
With MPskin's whitelabeling, the login interface and the backend can be branded with your company logo and a custom color. 


A whitelabel domain allows you to give the various MPskin URLs an individual name, for example: my.visim.eu instead of my.mpskin.com.

What is a Whitelabel?

A Whitelabel Domain allows you to brand the different MPskin URLs to your own company‘s name and website. 
This means that instead of „my.mpskin“, you can redirect all your MPskin tours (as well as the MPskin backend) to a new URL of your choice. 
For example: my.visim.eu 

The „Whitelabel“ is part of MPskin’s PRO plans. It cannot be purchased das an add-on to the BASIC or BUSINESS plan.

Whitelabel Domains

This Whitelabel Domain is only a redirection of your existing MPskin tours and backend to another URL – this means that you can use both the standard MPskin login page and URLs and your new Whitelabel URL to log into MPskin. The Skin content will always be identical. 

If, for any reason, your Whitelabel Domain is not working or has an outage due to your Web Provider, you can still access your tours via the regular MPskin login. 

Additional Whitelabel Domains

After setting up the initial Whitelabel, you also have the option of purchasing additional Whitelabel Domains. 
Additional Domains can be purchased for 120 € per year. If your purchase an additional Whitelabel Domain, ALL of your Skins will also be available under the additional Whitelabel URL. 
If you only use a few of your projects with this additional Whitelabel, you can simply disregard the other projects and continue to edit and share them under your primary Whitelabel Domain. 

For all types of Whitelabels, keep in mind that any changes done under one URL will appear in all URLs.
The data and content are identical for all Whitelabel Domains. 

Whitelabel Setup Guide

Step 1

To set up a new Whitelabel Domain, you first need to create a new subdomain on your own website. This can either be done directly in your own website’s backend, or you might need to contact your web provider if you do not have access to your backend. 
The new subdomain should be empty and contain no content. Any content that’s already there will be overwritten by the MPskin backend login. 
Make sure you do not set up a Whitelabel on your main homepage/start page!

Step 2

Once the new subdomain is created, you will need to chance the DNS settings on the subdomain. 
Use the DNS “CNAME” record to redirect your subdomain to the host “ip.mpskin.com”. 
Perform this entry twice, once for my.whitelabel.com and once for www.my.whitelabel.com
If you are having trouble finding this setting, please contact your web admin or web provider, as we cannot help with these settings.

Step 3

Next, you can log back into your MPskin account and navigate to “Settings” in your profile at the top right corner of the backend. 
There, you can select the “Whitelabeling” tab and click on “Add Domain”. Type in the new domain you have set up and click on “Save”. 

Step 4

If the DNS has been set up correctly, you will see the DNS check as green, like in this example. 
Once the DNS check shows as green, you can press the “Request Whitelabel activation” button. 
After this, your new Whitelabel Domain will get activated within the next 1-24 hours

Step 5

Once it has become active, you will receive an email with your new login. 
You can then use your new Whitelabel to log into MPskin. 

Keep in mind that depending on which Domain you are logged into, the Skin URLs will appear with that Domain. To see all Skins with your new Whitelabel Domain, always log into your new Domain instead of my.mpskin.com 

Changing/Deleting a Whitelabel Domain


If you wish to change or delete an already set up Whitelabel Domain, please contact us at support@mpskin.com 

You cannot perform these changes yourself, but we can delete an existing Whitelabel for you so you can set up a new one. 
Keep in mind that when you ask to delete an existing Whitelabel Domain, all the tour links with this domain will no longer work! Make sure that you update all your old Skin URLs with the new ones.