Space Updating

Updating tours is now easier than ever!

If you need to add or update areas of a space that you have already created a skin for, you can simply exchange or update the Matterport Space ID in the respective skin - without having to redo all of your MPskin content! 

With our “Update with new tour” feature, you can even transfer tags and VS objects from one tour to another.

Save time, minimise effort

If spaces need to be rescanned or updated, it usually means a lot of work - tags and virtual staging elements need to be reset, content needs to be re-entered. 
With MPskins features, you can easily transfer almost all tour content to a new or updated space! 

Realignment of Tours

When Matterport spaces are updated or completely rescanned, all internal coordinates of the space change as well. This means that tags are no longer in the correct position after an update.
With our new ‘Update’ feature, coordinates of an old tour can be aligned to a new tour by using three alignment points, so tags and virtual staging elements do not need to be repositioned!

Tour realignment - other Use Cases

If you manage several spaces that have the same layout (as with multi-storey, identical floors), you can also use the ‘Update’ feature! This makes it easy to transfer tags and VS elements from one space to another.
To do this, the original tour must first be duplicated so that you can add the new space ID in the duplicate during the alignment process.

FAQs about Space Updating

How does the tour alignment work?

You can find a short guide here:

  1. Duplicate the ‘old’ or original tour.
  2. In the duplicate, click on ‘Update with new tour’ in the base settings.
  3. Enter the new space ID in the input field - the alignment tool is then loaded.
  4. Place three points (A, B and C) in the split screen at the same positions in both the old and the new tour. The points need to be placed as precisely as possible in the same positions, i.e. point A in the ‘old’ tour must be positioned in exactly the same place as point A in the new tour.
  5. Click on the preview button to see a preview of the new, updated tour.Make sure to check the positions of the tags etc. before saving! If the result is still not satisfactory, you can go back to the split screen view and restart the alignment process.
  6. If the positions of the tags etc. are correct, you can click on save - done!
Can the alignment points be changed retrospectively?

It is generally advisable to create a copy of the original tour before the realignment - if problems occur during the realignment, the process can always be restarted.


There is also a ‘Preview’ mode during the realignment, allowing you to check the result before saving.

Are deep links (e.g. in the menu) also updated automatically?

Unfortunately not, deep links have to be updated manually after the realignment.
We hope to be able to implement this as a feature in the future! 

Can the alignment tool also be used in older tours?

Yes, realignment can be used for all Matterport Spaces - regardless of when and with which camera the Space was scanned.

Will my MPskin content be retained during the update?

Tags, the menu and virtual staging elements are transferred to the new space after the update.

An exception are sweep actions and other scans/floor settings! They must be manually set up in the new space.

Can I also use the feature with password-protected Spaces?

If your Matterport spaces are password-protected, the password must be temporarily removed, at least for the ‘new’ space.
As there is currently no field in which the password of the new space can be entered, only spaces without a password can be used for updating.


Of course, you can put a password back on the Matterport space immediately after the successful realignment and then enter it in the base settings of the skin. 

Start your creative journey with MPskin!