Avatar Meetings

Turn your Matterport tours into interactive meeting rooms! With Avatar Meetings, video conferences can be held in real time, directly in your digital twins. 


With just a few clicks, you can create meeting links that your customers can send to their participants. No additional software or downloads required - your customers can get started right away. Whether you're in real estate, construction, insurance, hospitality or retail, Avatar Meetings create an immersive experience that combines presence and efficiency.

Interactive Avatars

Users can choose from 24 avatars, all other meeting participants (except Audience) are also visible with their respective avatars, directly in the tour. 
With the “Follow”, “Go-To” and “Gather” buttons, participants can jump to or follow the position of others. Hosts have the additonal option of using “Gather All” to bring all participants to their own position, allowing for full control over the meeting participants.

Video Panel and Screen Sharing

Hosts and guests can participate in meetings with video and microphone. In addition, MPskin offers the option of sharing your own screen, making it even easier to present and edit content together.

This feature is ideal for real estate viewings in real time, allowing potential buyers to view the property on a guided tour. Avatar Meetings also offer added value in the education sector by creating interactive learning environments that enable effective learning processes.

Statistics and Usage Monitoring

The Avatar Meeting dashboard provides a detailed overview of usage data and consumption costs, which can also be filtered and displayed as required. This gives your customers full control over their meeting activities at all times and allows them to track them transparently. 

The owner of the MPskin account can also define which sub-users are allowed to use the feature and specify a maximum limit of minutes that can be used per month.

save 2 months upon selecting yearly billing

Avatar Meetings - Subscription

  • incl. 4,000 min. monthly / 48,000 min. annually
  • For all plans: BASIC, BUSINESS, PRO
  • Consumption and statistics monitoring
  • Up to 16 participants per meeting / up to 200 audience participants per meeting
  • 24 avatars
50 € / Month
Billing cycle: monthly
An additional 4,000 minutes can be purchased manually or automatically for 50 €. Additional minutes purchased are carried over to the next month if not used.

FAQs about Avatar Meetings

How many participants can attend the meetings?

For each meeting, there is one host link, one (or more) guest links and the audience link.
The host link can only be used by one person at a time, guest links can be used up to 16 times. 
With avatar, camera and microphone, a total of 16 participants plus host/hostess can take part in Avatar Meetings.

The audience link can be used by up to 200 participants - however, audience participants appear in the meeting without a microphone, avatar or camera. 

What happens when the 4,000 minutes are used up?

There are two options:

  1. If the option “Buy Meeting Minutes automatically” is not active, no further Avatar Meetings can take place for the current month.
  2. If the option “Buy Meeting Minutes automatically” is active, a further 4,000 minutes are automatically bought when the remaining minutes are used up.
Can I also use my own avatars?

Unfortunately not yet, but this feature is already on our roadmap! At the moment, users can choose between 24 avatars.

Where can I find statistics and information on usage?

All meeting statistics and usage data can be filtered and displayed so that they can be invoiced to the end customer.
You can find all relevant information on usage by clicking on “Time Used” in your Meetings tab.

Are unused minutes carried over to the next month?

Unfortunately, the minutes included in the basic price cannot be carried over to the following month. Unused minutes therefore expire.

However, if additional minutes have been purchased (i.e. more than the 4,000 minutes included in the subscription), they will be carried over to the following month (or several subsequent months). 

Is there a limit to the number of meetings that can be created?

No! As long as the meeting feature is active, you can create as many meetings as you like at no extra cost. 

Is it possible to jump from skin to skin within a meeting?

Yes, this is possible!
The prerequisite for this is that the skins are linked to each other - either in the menu, in tags, as a click action or in some other way. 
As the meeting can only ever be created for one skin, additional skins must be linked to the “original skin”.

Please note that meeting participants can be in different skins in such a case. 
It is not possible to change your own skin or the skin of the participants with “Go To” or “Gather All”. 

Start your creative journey with MPskin!